Laser Eye Surgery Premium Lens Implants FAQ

As we get older, compromise is required in most areas of body function. Some compromises are required to achieve this goal of spectacle independence. Compromises include seeing a halo around lights when driving at night, although only 50% report still seeing this after 6-12 months. Some degree of glare is also noted with sunglasses needed outdoors.

The best candidates for surgery will be those that have a strong desire to see well without glasses for distance and near, and have realistic expectations.

Lens implant procedures are largely painless affairs with minor irritation at the wound site for a few days typically giving a mild foreign body irritation at the edge of the eye. Most feel this for only an hour or two after surgery but occasionally this can be present for longer.

Similar to other lens implant procedures, you can expect your vision to be instantly changed and generally is good from the day following surgery.  Your vision will continue to improve dramatically over the next week until you can see clearly at both distance and near.

The results are very good.  After having PanOptix lenses implanted, 95% of patients say they never wear glasses.  Some patients may need a little correction for specific tasks, but can usually drive, work on a computer or read books, phone or newspaper without glasses.

Anyone who has a normal eye exam and is dependent on reading glasses, bifocals or multifocal glasses may be a candidate.

Although PanOptix lenses are a breakthrough technology, initially designed for cataract patients, it is not necessary to need cataract surgery to qualify for the PanOptix lens, just a desire to restore eyesight at a range of distances without corrective eyewear.

Lens implant surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in Australia with over 250,000 lens implant surgeries performed annually in Australia.

All operations carry risks. Risks can be minimised by having an experienced surgeon and surgical team in the operating room, with the right equipment and the right lens implant.

  • Vision loss or damage to eyesight always remains a possibility regardless of expertise and type of procedure performed.
  • The greatest risk is infection, which is fortunately very rare.  For this reason all lens replacement procedures are performed in a day surgery or hospital operating room.
  • Lens displacement, dislocation or variation in final position is possible but rarely impacts visually. If it occurs, further procedures may be needed for best vision.
  • Inflammatory swelling of the retina occurs occasionally but is visually significant in only 1%.
  • Variations in refractive error from expected are rarely significant but can be managed with laser fine-tuning when considered to be affecting vision.


Once the natural lens is removed, it cannot be reversed. However, if one is over 40 and dependent on reading glasses or bifocals, the lens is already not normal. It has lost its accommodation (focus) ability.

If the patient desires, the multifocal lens implant can be removed and replaced with a single vision monofocal IOL for distance vision only and reading glasses.  If removal is considered this should be undertaken sooner rather than later.  Additional risks and costs may apply.

The PanOptix lens is like three lenses in one, a trifocal lens. One refractive lens is for distance, a diffractive lens for computer and the other one is for near. PanOptix is not dependent on the movement of the lens but has a unique diffractive optic that is new to IOL design. The optical design of the lens distributes light between near, intermediate and distant vision to accommodate vision at a range of distances.

Compared to monofocal lenses that provide only a single area of clarity, usually set for distance vision sharpness, the multifocal PanOptix lens has similar distance vision but also allows reading and intermediate vision clarity to be free of the necessity of reading glasses or multifocal spectacles.

Other bifocal and trifocal lens implants can also be used for different purposes when an individuals needs vary.

This new artificial lens, which can restore sight at near and distant ranges following cataract surgery, has received US FDA and Australian Government TGA approval.  Although the PanOptix lens implant is relatively new, there are many thousands already implanted worldwide.

The exceptional visual performance of the PanOptix lens was accomplished by the optics of the lens, without physical movement of the lens inside the eye, making visual outcomes highly predictable.

The clinical studies supporting it showed that over 95% of patients who received the Aspheric PanOptix multifocal lens did not use glasses for any activities after lens replacement surgery.

This is the first time this level of spectacle independence has been achieved.

Yes. People who have had prior corneal surgery are acceptable candidates for the PanOptix multifocal lens as long as their eye is in good health. Consult with your ophthalmologist to understand the issues associated with use of the PanOptix lens after prior laser vision correction.

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