Simply because patients today demand the highest standards of vision improvement possible.
In the past, wearing glasses after lens replacement surgery was the norm for both distance and reading. Residual astigmatism and blur without glasses was expected. Surgery was performed only to improve dulled blurred vision despite spectacles due to advanced cataracts.
Then as technology and surgical techniques improved, unaided distance vision improvement reached a point where only reading glasses were necessary.
Now reading, intermediate and distance vision improvement can be obtained with the right technology, the right surgeon and the right lens implant.
Perth Laser Vision has been a leader in refractive surgery since 1997 and prides itself on innovation in technology. More people chose Perth Laser Vision for their laser eye surgery because this technology combined with a seasoned surgical team translates to greater safety, precision and outcomes. Over 30,000 laser procedures and 15,000 lens procedures have been performed at Perth Laser Vision.
Perth Laser Vision has many historical “firsts” including:
- 1st provider in Perth to offer LenSx® laser cataract technology for cataract eye surgery perth
- 1st provider in Perth to offer the Wavelight® dual laser technology for LASIK
- Perth Laser Vision’s eye surgeon Dr Phillip McGeorge was a pioneer in LASIK and was a principal investigator in the field of laser vision correction since 1997.