Lens implant surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in Australia with over 250,000 lens implant surgeries performed annually in Australia.
All operations carry risks. Risks can be minimised by having an experienced surgeon and surgical team in the operating room, with the right equipment and the right lens implant.
- Vision loss or damage to eyesight always remains a possibility regardless of expertise and type of procedure performed.
- The greatest risk is infection, which is fortunately very rare. For this reason all lens replacement procedures are performed in a day surgery or hospital operating room.
- Lens displacement, dislocation or variation in final position is possible but rarely impacts visually. If it occurs, further procedures may be needed for best vision.
- Inflammatory swelling of the retina occurs occasionally but is visually significant in only 1%.
- Variations in refractive error from expected are rarely significant but can be managed with laser fine-tuning when considered to be affecting vision.